Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Woo Hoo now an advanced Padi scuba diver and can get down to 30m!! Boys are stoked to get their open water and am trying to convince them to all have a dive together.

We all went out last night got proper leathered (Ali and Richie you would have been proud). Visited Magic Mushroom Mountain on Het Rin and partied with some crazy folks. Have some good vodeo of Paul doing the stupidist party trick in the world, basically tryuing to balance a bar stool on his head and dropping it off a cliff. 1000bat later we managed to calm the Thai's down.

Willy is stil got the tummy bug and did the usual dawn raid and fast move. Got to bed at 6 after having to look for Paul for and hour then kisked out of bed at 11 and made to sail to Ko Toa. Much more chilled here \, basiaclly just full of divers. Going to have another dive tomorrow as it's ranked as one of the best in the world!!

About to try my first night with no air con. Willy is not looking forward to it but I reckon it will be top. The boys have started calling me Sgt. Major (can't think why!!).

Anyway off for a feed and a beerio or 5. Big shout out to all the boys going to Rock Fest, if i had a star trek thingy would defo be there!!

Later folks,

C :))


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