Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Friday, August 04, 2006

All I can say is that Angkor Wat is awesome!! Spent the last 2 day getting tuk-tuked round all the best temples. Angkot Watt wins just from the sheer scale of it but managed to see the jungle temple from tomb raider and loads of other cool temples way out in the jungle. Unfortunatly the weather at the moment is not really conducive for stunning sunrises or sunsets :( and today it lashed with rain towards the end but at the end of the day still amazing site to see!! Getting a bit commercial now though. One of the larger resorts has even bought a hot air balloon that u can float around the site on!! Oh and there are about 8 million litle children trying to flog u flutes, braclets, postcards so it's a constant battle to say no to the cute tykes!! Really impressed as most of them can speak english fluently by the age of 10 and can count to 10 in about 9 languages!!

Just met up with Gareth, Kenny B's brother in law so going out on the lash with them tonight then down to Phnom Phen at bastard o'clock tomorrow. Stay there for a few nights and get thge killing fields and shooting range in :)) More AK47's and heavy calibre machine guns. Ruth is even looking forward to it!! The fly up to Bangkok or a night then off to China!

Still sick as a dog but managed to find a chemist that spoke english and got lots if drugs so should be back to fightiness soon!

Later folks,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fab to hear how you are doing you lucky bastard!! Up with Lucy totally cool she currently likes to take long lie in's til 7.45 and is turning into a right chatter box - keep up the Blogg it's great just logging on and hearing what you are up to.

12:42 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

glasgow brilliant at the moment get it up ye!!

only joking

9:28 am  

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