Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Good God it's been waaaayyyy too long since my last post and loads has happened. Been being a road warrior with the boys for the last wee or so and it's been heaps of fun. Managed to get the car for $70 each for a week after much blagging with the girls in the rental place. Me, Ronan, Mike, Richard and Christian (tame texan we met) all squeezed into a toyota estate thing. Pretty cruisy as we headed back to Taupo for some slalom zorbing which was wicked as usual. Wanted to go sledging but the river was closed as it was too cracy to do. Decided to head over to Raglan for some suring which was sweet. Got the most amazing apartment for the night as all the hostels were full and only for $3 more a night. Cooked a savage BBQ and basically lorded it up for the night.

In the monring we trekked over to Waitomo for the most mental caving I think I will ever do. Climbing over massivo cliffs over subterrainian rivers, squeezing though very, very tight cracks, swimming through flooded tunnels, abseiling down water falls, and climbing up through 17 pools and water falls to get out. The guide was pretty muh like just go and see how u get on. Left us to lead the way for a while which almost ended in disaster when we tried to swim under a rock passage that didn't go anywhere...mentalness all round but highly entertaining.

Drove down to taupo that night and ended up in the hostel from hell and had a massive barny with the night manager when she locked all opur booze away and wouldn't give it back till the morning. She will be well and truly flammed on :)) taught the boys the game arrogance and spent the evening very drunk. Christian was in such a state that he spewed in mike's face and all down me at the bar in the club!!

next day we headed up the country, dropped Christian off at the airport and then headed up to kiri Kiri for the Poor Knighst Island dive which was awesome. Totally reaffirmed my faith in NZ diving. Bit nippy but 20+m vis so pretty good. Arrived in Bay of Islands last night as got very drunk again on Arrogance. I lost very badly and almost spewed. had to drink water for 3 hours to rude the storm out. Did find a couple of poles in the club and was teaching the boys some sliky pole moves. The club were loving us as we were basically up for doing any crazy shit on those things. Met 2 of the All Blacks team and had a rucking comp with them which we lost...go figure.

Anyway this is turned out to be the longest blog i've done so far so i'll cut it their. Off to Christchurch tomorrow for some S island actio.

Later y'll as they say in texas,



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