Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Yippeee, in Brazil, manuas to be precise eventually!! Had a bitch of a journey down here. Anmgry taximan who didnt want to wait while I got my visa and passport stamped. Que for Chris running down road trying to get bag out of taxi. Managed to get to La Linea only to be told that you can only buy the ticket to manuas in Barzilian Reial and i only had Boliveras. had to change them with the money guy at the border as the atm would not accpet my card. Managed to get the tickets but had to change some of my emergency dollars in the proceeds. Got told that the bus that |i thought was at 4 was actually at 8:30 so sat down for a long wait. A bus comes in and everyones boards. It leaves and the ticket girl comes running out shouting at me in Portuguese....yup you guessed it the bus that had just left was mine. Turns out what she was saying is that the bus leaves Boa Vista at 8:30 and its the last bus of the day. So have to get a taxi to Boa Vista costing me almost all the spare Reial that I have and eventually caught the bus. A tired, hungry bad tempered boy last night. But am now in manaus and managed to get some money so life is good again. Need to find some people to hang out with and get my flights and basic life sorted out tomorrow.

Adios mes Amiges,



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