Molten Hot Maggmmaaa
Ola Amigos,
Well did the Volcan Pacaya tour again and rewarded with some molten lava freeflowing down the side of the volcano. The lava has changed sides since last time to the hike was a bit harder. Nothing too taxing but nice to get a slight sweat on :) Lava stream was quite small but flowing quite fast and making cool crackling noises with the more solid top layer. We did the usual roasting of marshmallows over the heat and other really sensible things like sticking poles in and chucking other rocks in to watch them melt!! Health and safety has not really arrived in Guatamala yet but sometime s quite refreshing to do something obviously dangerous without having someone telling you that! Yes i am aware that if i fall into lava the bits that touch will probably disintegrate...
Yesterday took all day to get to Xella as locals closed the roads to protest about some new government scheme or other. bit of a wasted day and as a result we arrived too late to book the two day volcano hike. So at a bit of a lose end today.
Right more after the hike. Only 4 more sleeps till i have to head home :(
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