Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Last night with the boys tonight and are now back in Ko Samui. Last night was probably the craziest of the hols so far. Us and the Medics abnd some randoms from Tues night drinking buckets like they were going out of fashion. Did the ring of fire again...had to be done. P-Man did it knaked (obviously). We were all hoping for some scorched pubes but dirty boy shaves them!! Once the bar stopped puytting on entertainment we had the bright idea of playing rugby (minus the ball) so everyone is fully broken today. Owen almost broke my ribs, Greg can hardly walk and Willy's back is screwed. Imanaged to make it home last night with someones elses sandals...not sure how that happened! But Willy lost his wallet with all Paul's cards in it. Means Paul has no money but at least we can control his boozing now :)) Keep threatening to leave him if he starts being toop crazy!!

Oh and my small camera gave up the ghost last night. Think a combo of sand and 3 years of abuse. Will send home with the boys and pick up another one in Bangkok.

Think tonight is going to be a quiet one as really want to do some sightseeing tomorrow .Get some mopeds and take some nice pics.

Just got my last payment from RBS and checked balance i'm now officially a millionaire in Thailand. Just over a million baat in the account but that will change pretty quickly. Last 3 weeks has put a fair dent in the finances!!

Later peeps,



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