Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Thursday, February 15, 2007

hey Everyone sorry about the lack of updates but there is almost nowhere in this country that has internet and where it does it is well expensive. This place is 3 squid an hour!!

Right arrived on Fiji about 5 and had to wait in the airport for the Oz flight cause, well don't reallty know except that we were all going to beachcomber and they prob wanted all in the same taxi. So 3 hours later the flight arrives but it's late so we miss the 7:30 boat and have to wait for the 9:30 that arrievs eventually at 11:30. There is a saying here "Fiji Time" which basically means it'll arrive at sometime. Not my fav saying as have V little patience as it is!! managed to fight our way through the wild rainstorm to get to beachcomber about 12ish. Met Niall (mate from NZ) and proceded to get hammered.

Got up. Still raining. Went snorkelling. Played Volleyball. Laghed at Yanks who were all drunk at 2 pm. Thought i'd join them and the rest of started drinking about 5ish. Stil raining though.

Stopped raining so went for a wreck dive which was pretty cool. Got back and guess what started rainign again so went back to bed for a bit. Not much to do on this island if the sun is not up as it only takes 7 min to walk around!! Decided to go for a night dive instead of drining which was pretty cool.

Got the boat up to the top of the Yasawas group and headed for the resort. Usual Fiji time bullshit and the 2 hours on the boat turned into 4.5. Ariived in thr "best place for diving and partying resort" and found the place half derelict and only 4 other people staying. had stupidly paid in advance so stuck. Boked some diving and chilled out.

went for a couple of pretty good dives. saw some amazing soft and hard coral, couple of sharks, some squid and loads of fish. The weather is still a bit dodge but the rain is staying off. Few beers in the evening and the staff do some underground bbq thing. Some singing and dancing (learnt the Bula dance which is basically a watered down gay Gordans - tried telling the locals but they insisted they had been doing it for centuries!!) but as usual everyone heads off to bed about 8:30!!

More diving and the Vis is getting worse but decide to soldier on and have a couple of cool dives. Not much big stuff but see lots of cool little stuff that you don;t usually get to see. Sea horses, mussel things and crab. A few more people have arrived so craic might be better tonight. last dive toorrow then it's 5-7 hours back down to nandi on the boat. have hostel booked and will hook up with Nial prior to flying back to Auckland.

More tomorrow when i have a little more time. Sorry about the short post short on time!!



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