Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Left the boys this morning which is shit as it was cool travelling with the irish maniacs, but then I have addicted them all to the drinking game Arrogance so they will travel the world spreading the love!! Taxi, my bus drive commented on the Stray t-shirt that i am sporting today. Neglected to mention that we blagged them from the office, but then that is starting to be our thing. Demanding free stuff wherever we go :)) Thats 3 in the last week!

Arrived back in sunny Kaikura (V hot and suny today) and booked myself onto a whale watchubg tour. saw two massivo sperm whales. Prob about 20ish m long. hard to tell as most of them was underwater (obviously). Went through 2 batteries taking lots of pics. Need to see how many keepers there are but a savage experience all in all. Got a bbq on tonight then an early night methinks as i've got some serious boozing planned in Wellington as have to catch up with Meika and paddy.

Have to wave bye bye to the South Island tomorrow. Sad as this place absolutly rocks. One of the best places that I have ever been. Queenstown is the only town/city that I would recommend but then u don't fly half way round the world to look at buildings do ya!!

laters folks,



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