Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Day 1
Got collected from Monaterio by Carlos for our Sacred Valleytour and headed into the mountains. Scorcher of a day and i managed toget my neck fried! so much for my once vaunted base tan :( Day waswicked and checked out loads of sites. Got droppeed off at hotel andhad a quiet one in readiness for the trail.

Day 2

Met Haydee athotel and went to collect porters & supplies. managed to get a coolwalking stick for about a squid. had to start the trail a km early asroad was getting repaired. First day was pretty cruisy as stopped atloads of sites for talks. Really impressed with the sheer speed thatthe porters go at. 20kg on their backs and they are sprinting up &down the hills in sandles!! Weather was quite good but got a littleovercast later which was good gor trekking! Made the camp by 6 & had adecent dinner.

Day 3 This one was a bastard as had to climb from3100m to the pass at 4200m. The path was a constant uphill slog butmanaged to get to the top in reasonable time. Most people camp @ thebottom of the hill but thought we would push on over the next ridgetoget the worst out of the way. Arrived sweaty, tired men after 17kmof inca action.

Day 4

Easy day as only 10km to the camp. Got therefor lunch & spent some time wandering around the ruins. Amazing place,with some of the best stone work we had seen! Best of all had a hotshower & a cold beer :) Early to bed as getting up at 4ish for trek tosun gate!

Day 5

Short trek to sun gate and what a view. Watched asthe first rays of the day touched the peak of Hyanu Pitcu. Perfectday, cobalt blue sky with the odd wisp of clouds cloaking thesurrounding mountains! Spent the morning exploring and having thetour. In the afternoon we climbed Hyanu Pitchu which is the mountainabove Machu Pichu. very steep climb and going down was absolutlybonkers. Like going down a stone ladder with a 600m drop on each side.Dad did very well as i found it pretty tough! Ended the day travellingback on the swanky Hiram Bingham train.


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