Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Well survived the most dangerous road din the world unlike as Israeli from one of the other groups who died taking a flyer off a 450m cliff yesterday!! The weather was horrendous. Rain and mist and vis was down to about 20m. The fast tarmac bit was especially bad as u had to wear glasses to be able to see but they kept fogging up so flying down a mountain at speeds of 45km/h half blind!! But that wasn't even the dangerous bit. The road is a lot easier now as there is almost zero traffic on it but this means that people go far faster. Niall and I were in the fast group and managed the whole 70km without any real problems. Couple of hairy moments but nothing to be concerned about. In fact no one in our whole group even fell off. We went with downhill madness who are the best group around. Excellent guide, awesome bikes and great service. Went out with the gang last night to celebrate and it was another 6am affair. Trying to sort our lives out at the moment. Going to head to Copocabana and check out lake Titicaca tomorrow for a few days then maybe head back to la paz.

Adios amigos,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

10:14 pm  

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