Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Hey Lava Lovers,

Managed to leg it all the way from Puerto Viejo to San Jose even though we missed the first bus Spent the night in San Jose the capital of Costa Rica. Not much happening. Hostel was really good but the place itself seemed quite dodgy and a bit on the chilly side. Ended up going to the cinema and seeing Kung Fu Panda which rocked. Up again at bastardo o clock for the bus to la Fortuna, village up in the highlands of the North where there is a fecking huge volcano. Last time it erupted was 22 days ago so still loads of smoke and lava coming out of the thing. Did a tour to the viewing spot and waited till it got dark to see the lava and the glowing red summit. Used to be able to hike much closer to the lava but the last eruption toasted the bridge so no up close action for me :( Have some savage pics though and i will get them on line asap. Ended the evening in some thermal pools which was kind of cool.

Now about to head over to Monteverde for some eco tourist action. The road is meant to be horrendous so you go by boat and 4x4...should be interesting.

More later.



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