Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Alright Peeps,

Mega jealous today as it's T in the Park weekend and i'm missing it. Hope the usual crew manages to maintain the already high level of messiness from previous years :)) Oh and I hope Billy doesn't try his Yoda impression again!!

Now in in the North on the Loas border, nigh here and then over into Loas from a week of caving, tubing, hiking and other assorted sweaty activities :))

Went on the mountain trek from Wed to Fri. Good laugh although the weather was west coast Scotland tastic. Stayed dry on the Wed which was good as we had to walk for about 3 hours at a more or less 50 degree gradiant. Pace was a little slow as we had some useless bids with us who needing a rest every 5 mins!! Great views from the top. When I get a chance and a decent connection i'll upload a load to my flckr account so you can all see. Stayed with some mountain folk on the 1st night, boozing, not the best sleep but ok. Thurs was trekking in the pissing rain through the jungle. Really good as went to some kick ass water falls and swam about in them. Would have been better in the sun but thats the monsoon for ya :( Going was pretty easy but had to be mega carefull as most of it was prime leg breaking terrain. A boy from another of the groups fell and smashed his mouth and teeth up at the lat waterfall so we could only take pics :( Another night in shared bamboo huts then elephent trekking and white (well brown) water rafting. Good but a bit short and lots of waiting around. Reminded me of TA when timing have slipped. Lots of on the bus off the bus shit!! Went out with the trekking crew last night, irish, english, spainish and swedish so a fairly mixed croud for dinner and bevvies. Not feeling too bad today but buckets of Thai whisky are not very forgiving. Shared 2 with this English bird and almost broke her. The London lads who are also coming to Loas said she was in a " proper messy way, like" by the end of the night!!

Will post again from Loas with what i've been up to there but if anyone has any top tips for the place then drop me a mail.

A bientot,



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