Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Checked out the terracotta warriors yesterday and was pretty impressed. The detail on all the faces is different and the sheer scale of the army is amazing. But only takes about 2 hours to get round and we passed on all the other tourist stuff as it was expensive and looked shit!

Spent a couple of hours doing some more work on my streamload site. Should be up to date with all the pics tagged in a week or so :)) Oh and got my bebo sitye sorted as well as this is a great site to laev messages and share pics. All the irish are on it and it sould be really useful. Kind of like a European version of my space.

Had a really good night last night out in some nightclub, loads of boozing and dancing :))

Oh and probably the most random thing that has happened so far is that i met a fellow weigey yesterday. Turned out that he was 4 years below me at school and he has pulled my sister caroline! Caz guy called Colin in Archoas :))

Off to get first sleeper bus in China to Pingou this evening.

More later

ps - it's pissing with rain over here and 60% humidity - thought that might cheer u all up!


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