Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hey hey,

last day in Beijing and maybe China so as expected busy day. Went to see a Kung Fu show with Colim and some Scottish girls we met in the hostel. Wierd being around Scots again but pleasant. Don;t have to repeat myself as much as normal!! Colim headed off this morning and i went to see Mao's Mausilium which was kinda good but creepy. The body looks a bit wierd and I would not be suprised if there had been a little Madam Tuesods going on at some point!!

About to spend 12 hours on a bus then 12 hours at the border then 14 hours on a train so that should be good fun. Still no clue how I am going to get to HK but i'm sure it will all work it's way out. The bible (Lonley Planet) mentions that you can do a tank driving tour so might look into that and fancy maybe buying one of the mongo bows that they beat the Chinesem with. Depends on cost and size and bag is not ridiculously full. Think there will be some things on the slow boat back from ozz. kite is going to be the first to get it followed by the sleeping bag!

Abyway i'm ranting a bit now and really don't have time. So i will bid you all adeiu and will post when i mnanaged to finally get the Land of the Mongoloiods ;)))



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