Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Monday, August 21, 2006

Arrived in pingyuo late last night after a wierd sleeper bus that had beds all the way down in! The bus then proceeded to try and drop us off at the toll gate outside town so 5 mins of arguing later and we got dumped at the 5* hotel. Suprisingly enugh we were not in the mood to pay 20 squid a room so managed to get a room in the old city for 3 pounds :)) The cuty itself is awesome. Totally like u would imagine a city to be like 500 years ago. its like being in a timewarp...

They wanted 120 RMB (china money) to climb the city walls but we mananaged to find a girl who charged us 25 each to climb her ladder. So much more satusfying than paying full whack!! 6 km round the walls was good but need a brewski now!
heaing over to Bejing tomrrow by bus again and then have a week of sightseeing and grear walling, oh and maybve some boozing as well!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see you've turned into a proper scrooge eh.
bet you still dont mind paying £4.50 for a shitty hot dog at t in the park.

8:53 am  
Blogger Chris said...

You know it big man!!

4:35 am  

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