Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Arrived in KL about 4ish yesterday after a very pleasant 6 hour bus ride in a well minted bus. Feeling a tad jaded after being out on the lash with Helen and Lucy till4am then having to get up at 8 for the bus!! Met up with Scotty Mac for some beers and a chat. Will try and hook up wioth him later as well. Hotel is nice, well nicer than the usual places I have been staying but then with Kaitlyn u can't really stay in the usual hostels!

Went up the Petronus Towers and the KL Tower which are 2 of the world highest buildings. Ok but a bit on the dull side. Am going to try and either get up to the Cameron Highlands or over to the Perinthian Islands over next couple of days as there does not seem to be that much to do in KL. Decided that I need to check out Borneo and the crazy Orangotangs there

Oh and rendomly bumped into Garerth (Vicky Bottomley's brother) for the 3rd time in as many months so maybe grab a beerio with him tonight as well!

Before u all start mailing though I am aware of the Military Coup in Thailand and no it should not effect any travel plans. May head up to Phuket and over to Crabbi or Pipi with the girls but depends on flights!




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