Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Just recovering from a crazy day at the races. Had the kilt on which went down a storm although did have very sweaty knackers for a lot of the day...Glorious sunshine, well dressed people and even managed to win 200 oz bucks, which was good as it offset the ridiculius amount of money that I spent in the club later on :(( Very well organised event as there was free booze and food for the whole day.

Going to fly up to Cairns tomorrrow and start my east coast trip, but heading South as apose to north!! Melbourne is good but i'm going to go bankrupt if I stay here too long!

Off for some non-alchohoic beverages and a wee snooze.

Love Mex


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