Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Last day in Perth today and had a good time but think I am ready to leave. The only thing that I didn't get to do is head up to Cottislow for one of the legendary Sunday Session!! Mainly due to the size and length of our Saturday sessions. Obviously I was up for it but no one else :(( Went to the first day of the World Rally Champs last night and had a top time. Minted cars and loads of sexy PR girls walking round...made for good viewing! The hostelers from my place all got dressed up as it was some boys 21st (yes most are that young) so kicked about with them for a bit after we got back but too tired after 3 big nights in a row!

Seem to have been eaten by something and my left lower arm and hand is kinda swollen. Been bashing all sorts of things to try and bring it down and seems to be working but bit scary for a bit!

Going out for one last time tonight as we have tickets for the Miss World Rally Champs 2006 in a club in town. Getting picked up at 7:30 tomorrow morning so not going to make it a late one (i hope). Gareth managed to land a job selling X-mas crap in a shopping centre so he is a happy man. I can't think of anything worse but then her doesn't like exercise and I do.

Right off to a scare chop and maybe pack. Hope all is well in the grim northland at the mo.




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