Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ola Amigos,

Spent the last 3 days speeding round the Attacama desert in a 4x4 with 4 Japs, a mexican chick and Niall. The salt plains are awesome and have some very cool pics of me falling into barcardi bottles and standing on peoples hands, oh and the ubiquitous jumping shots, have perfecting the flying side kick!! Got frazelled a bit on the plains as it was proper scorchio but once we got into the mountains it started snowing. What is it with me deserts and snow..not quite as cold as the Gobi but certainly chilly. The highest we got to was 5000m above sea level and really felt the effects. Spent my time munching coca leaves, which is the main ingrediant in Bolvian marching powder but helps with the effects. Got a wee bit of a headache but the dodgy gut was the worst. but then Niall has spent the last 24 hours leaking out of both ends if you know what i mean!!

Stopped at a graveyard as saw some Bolvian mummy's in their crypts. Pretty creepy stuff as they are close enough to touch. Got some wicked sunset shots and had a good nights sleep the first night, apart from some crazy dreams. Dreamt was still living at home and Mum had randomly turned the house and my room in particular into a hostel!! Must be the altitude!

2nd day was pretty cool and went to see the stone forest. Good pics but the weather was pretty hit and miss although this was good for me due to scorchioed neck from the salt plains. The Attacama looks V much like the Gobi but with more mountains and less sand dunes. Stayed the night at this wierd outpost beside a reddishy lake with loads of other vans, went for a hike and got some good shots of what is supposedly called the Attacama cat but looks very like a bit rabbit with a long tail to me! Tauight the rest of the people in our bit of the hostel the best card game in the world "shithead" and had at least 15 converts to the cause! had to get up at 4am this morning so we could get to the Geysers for dawn. We actually arrived just before but it was bastard cold so took a quick pic then onto our breakfast stop. Spent an our in this thermal pool with loads of other people, which was really cool as it was still 6am. Highlight was prob 3 yank girls who had forgotten their swimmers and went in starkers instead :)) After breaky legged it to the Chilian border to drop off 2 of the japs then long road back to Uyuni. Stopped at the train graveyard for a quick pic stop but got a flat and managed to miss the bus to Potosi by 6 mins. To be fair though it did leave 30 mins early so now having to spend another night in this flee bitten town!!

But good pizza, a hot shower, and a good nights sleep are beconing so adios amigos...


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