Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hey Hey Amigos,

Did the night walk last night and saw quite a lot of cool animals and bugs. Loads of funnel web and tarantula spiders, some wierd cricket like things, some frogs and even a sloth. Sloth was about 40m away so didn't get a good view but at least we saw one :)

Spent the morning flying along zip lines at stupid speeds about 120m above the jungle floor and usually above the canopy. Excellent fun, there were about 12 lines and took at least 2 hours. Didn't see too much in the way of wildlife but the adrenaline made up for it :) Then we did the bridge walks which are 8 high wire suspension bridges up in the canopy which was also pretty cool. On the way back to the reception we heard a huge gang of howling monkeys but unfortunatly they were too far away to get a view :(

Chilling tonight as we have to get up at 5am for 6am bus to Nicaragua. Having to go by public bus but should get to the border by about 1 with a little luck.

Hope the weather is not too grim for TiTP this weekend and have a good time guys, i'll be with you in spirit!!



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