Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Monday, July 10, 2006

Hey Everyone,

Currrently in Lampra Bang which is in Loas after 2 days of very painful travel by slow boat up the Mekong. Had to stay a night in this scary place called Pat Pong where we were warned that folk would try and get into your rooms at night when u were sleeping and rob you. Sure enough someone tried at about 2ish. Had the door V well locked and barraceded so no chance getting in :)) Also got offered opium by eveyone from old peoplpe to 8 year olds. Glad to have left that place behind.

Amazing scenary on the way up but painful wooden benches for 7 hours on first day and 8.5 on the 2nd. Suffice to say last night was a good night for sleep. Loas is good for caving, tubing, rafting and hiking so going to take advantage and try and get 5 or 6 days in before we head over to Vietnam. Missed the Gibbon experience which is living with monkeys in tree villages and firing around on zip line. Didn't find out about it till we were on the boat to Loas. Ali had told me about it but since i've only got the condenced version of Lonley Planet it was not mentioned.

The boys will be pleased to hear that there has not been one nice day since they left so the tan is heading back to the more white side of the spectrum!!

Hope T was good for everyone that went will try and get onto BBC and find out the highlights.

Later peeps.



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