Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Well just left the girls heading back to Singapore and i've just arrived in the rainy, rainy Cameron Highlands. This place is beautiful. Looks loads like back home and has lots of Colonial era houses to reinforce that image. Staying in a Nissan hut of all things. The TA boys or maybe the GA boys will know what i'm talking about. The guest house used to be a former barrcks so very apt for an army boy like me :) Going to do some treks tomorrow and then either stay another day (depending on the caric) or head East to the Perinthian Islands for some of the worlds best diving!! After that it's into the jungle to check out some 130 Million year old primary rainforest and then get the jungle train down to KL.

having some issues getting my pics onto the net after my site changed it's back end dbase but will try and get them uploaded over the next week or so. But rest assured peeps as the weather here is as bad as back home. Spent the last 2 days in Pangkor Island in the middle of one of the worst thunderstorms i've ever the tan is heading back to the white end of the spectrum :( But maybe the Perinthians will sort that out!!

More later,



Blogger Ruud Batta said...

Been to Pangkor as well, and in the same weather conditions... lightning, thunderstorms, no electricity, great island to spend a few days!

Have fun hiking the jungle, it's worth it!

Greetingzz from Dali,

4:41 am  

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