Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Happy Birthday to me. Have just entered my final year of my 20' scary is that. Means next year i'll be reeeaaallllyyy old and meant to be responsible and grown up. Think I will just pretend that i'm still 25 out here :))

Spent the day yesterday learning to surf and it rocks :)) Going to sign up for some more lessons and practise everyday till i leave for Perth on the 19th. There is a volcano that I might climb and u can't surf all day as it's way too tiring (not that climbing 4000m up a volocano won't be) but u get the idea!!

Had a blast last night as gareth, paul, dave, amber and myself all went out on a serious session. Paul, dave and I all had the kilts on and randomly they were all the black watch tartan so at least we all matched!! I looked the scruffiest as mine is in a state after full moon madness! No hangover today but we were all falling asleep in the restaurant last night at 3ish while trying to get some late night snacks. The waitress had to keep waking us up before each course!

Off to get a massage as i'm quite sore from all the falling off the board yesteday then a night of no booze and some movies. Tomorrow starts the fitness regime as need to get into shape for Ozz and NZ as Ruth will give me grief if i'm a fatboy by X-Mas!! That and the fact that this island is swarming with ozzy blokes with perfect bodies :((

Later folks and thanks for all the happy birthday e-mails!!



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