Oh dear had our first night in Phi Phi and it was a bucket affair i'm afraid. No one has much memory about the evening apart from lots of being lost, wandering building sites, drinking with Thai people and we are all suffering from much RDI's (random drinking Injuries). What little i remember of the latter parts of the night are fairly cringworthy...suffice to say yesterway was a total write off. However spent the day on a snorkaling trip to see all the islands and lost of fish. VERY rough seas and most people were spewing their load. I was fine (obviously) and has a good laugh riding the boat. To get the beach where the film was shot u had to swim up to this hole in the cliff and climb through as the sea approach was waay too dodogy for the boat. Ouch is all I can say. Everyone who headed out came back with varying degrees of flesh wounds. I managed to cut my ankle, feet, legs, back and hand and fee like i've been playing rugby again!!!
Prob going to head to KPY for the full moon and hook up paul and the rest of the irish crew.
More later,
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