Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Have just waved a tiery (?) goodbye to the girls and am just waiting for my plane to Bali. Singapore airport rocks, free internet, wireless broadband and cheap food so cannot really complain. Just need some decent music and some friendly girls and all would be well ;))

Prob only going to have a week or so in Bali but should be enough time to get a bit more tanned and learn how to fally off a surf board a lot!! Don't worry Alex i will try my best to get all the dodgy dvd's that u were looking for and everything else that the Aussies have been requesting. Just didn't want to have to lug it all around for the last 2 months since China!!

Have managed to get my main bag down to 20KG which is a serious improvement from the 35 that I left the Uk with. Muchos gracias to all the various people who have been recruited into carrying shit home for me...u all klnow that I don't like to lose shit!

Had a good nights sleep last night but spent the first 2 hours of it on the couch. But do feel more huiman than I have in a while and first day for a couple of weeks that i've not had a bucket. Going to stay off the booze for a week or so and try to eat sweet FA to get into shape for Oz!

Right need to head as only get 15 mins before u get booted off. Could continue with the psp but it is a right pain trying to type using the joypad!

catch u all on the flip side!



Blogger murphboy said...

Well mate you use to be a heart breaker now you are heart broken lol



4:15 am  

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