Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Friday, July 25, 2008

Roatan and Caye Caulker

Hey Everyone. sorry I've been off the air for a bit internet was way too pricey on Roatan and the wireless i was nicking via my itouch doesn't let me update the blog :(

Anyway spent 6 blissful days on Roatan in the Bay Islands diving and sun bathing. I am now at least 5 shades of less white than i was before and now actually believe that i might come back with a half decent tan :) The weather was not great but didn't rain much for a change. The diving was pretty good and saw loads of lobsters, king crabs, turtles and even a spotted eagle ray - very cool. But the best dive had to be the night dive. Saw some octopus which were amazing, some more crustaceans which are always cool but every time you moved about in the water these microscopic plankton glow in the dark. At once point we all sat on the sea floor and switched off out torches, within about 2 min there were millions of little lights all floating around us. Looked like we were in space, some were in little chains or on the coral, others were just free floating. You could write your name in the water like you were holding a sparkler. One of the best dives i have ever done, oh and when we surfaced we were treated to a completely clear night sky. You could see loads of stars and even the belt of the milky way. Tried to get some star shots on the slr but they came out crap :(

Decided to save the monster overland/sea journey to get up to Belize and just fly. So again with the bastardo o'clock start. 4:45 for a 5 check in just to be told that the flight was changed to 9!! 3 of the smallest planes I've ever flown on later we eventually arrived safe and sound in Caye Caulker which is one of the islands off Belize. Didn't think things could get much pricer than Rotan but again proved wrong. This place is about the same as UK which is ridiculously expensive for this part of the world. To be fair though we are not exactly roughing it this time as have our own wee bungalow for the princely sum of $65 a night!

Signed up for the Blue Hole dive which is what most people come here for. You are meant to be able to see it from space and I've been dying to do this dive for ages. If its as good as i hope i might even try to get two trips in. Not cheap though but hey it's just money!

Anyway really sorry about the lack of pics as just haven't had a chance but when we hit Guatemala in a few days time I'll clear the back log.

laters peeps,



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