Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Semuc Champay and Lanquin

Headed down from Flores in some God awful minibus. We were last in so got the worst seats. Still got to take the good with the bad. Ended up in the mountain village of Lanquin where we chilled out of the first day and managed to check into the minted Hostel El Retiro. Situated beside the river its a jungle huts and hammocks style place. Its was totally full so we only managed to get a room in the loft. It was quite cool but not very secure since there was no door on the room. Still managed to keep hold of all our possessions :) Only bad part was the place was infested with loads of Israelis who are not the friendliest of people. Still there were enough Europeans and Yanks to make it bearable!

We booked to go to see the caves which are 30Km long. We only explored about 2km in but it was really hot inside. A total change from every other cave i´ve been in. The place was driping in Guano which is bat shit so firm footing was essential. There were millions of bats and at dusk we stood at the cave entrance and watched as they all exited the cave to go and hunt. Got some amazing pics.

Next day we did the Caving and waterfall tour which involved wading and swimming into a submergerd cave system trying to hold a candle above your head for light. Ruth and i both had out head torches but we were definatly in the minority. Quite hard to swim with one hand out of the water. Really good fun climbing up and down ladders and through waterfalls. After that we did a bit of tubing down the river, then jumping off a 15m bridge and finally onto the Semuc Champay waterfalls. The water is forecd into a cave under the falls which is fairly impressive. Spent the afternoon lounging around in the various pools and jumping off rocks till the rain hit. Everyone rain for cover and i had the place to myself for a bit. Something very peaceful about swimming in the rain.

Now we are down in Antigua which is a pretty little town sitting in the shadow of an active volcano. Off to climb the volcano later this afternoon and you get to see lava up close and personal. The tour is even meant to include roasting marshmallows over lava :)) More on that later...



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