Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Monday, July 17, 2006

Well Monsoon has hit hard in Hanoi as we have managed to hit the tail end of the last Typhoon. Arrived last night into 80% humidity and 30 degrees heat and that is 9 at night. Traffic is mental here. Makes Bangkok seem quiet. Much more Asian than anywhere else that we have been. Millions of little shops selling everything and anything. All the streets in the Old Quarter are named after the product that is sold there. We are staying on Toy street and it is wall to wall cheap plastic crap. Cool lego store though :)

Did a bit of site seeing today but as it was lashing with rain that did not amount to much. Oh and all the museums are closed on Monday so could not go and check out Ho Chi Min's mausoleum. Did get the Balacing pagoda and the musuem of literacy in.

Booked up to head to Ha Long Bay tomorrow for a 2 day trip. Stay on a Chinese junk and sea kiak round the various islands and limsetone carsks. Should be good but hope the weather improves. Looks at the moment like Glasgow in Nov, but a hell of lot warmer!

Right need to get going as we have tickets for the Water Puppetry show at 8 and then packing and boozing!!

Laters peeps,



Blogger Chris said...

Thats as long as the Marketing manager is not trying to dry hump your leg at the same time :)

3:32 am  

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