Shit sorry about the slowness in posting but it's been a busy week and a bit. Right went off for my Whit Sundays trip on Freight Train (aka the good ship sausage as there were 19 dudes and 3 girls :(() But had a good time diving, snorkling and sunning myself...oh and a fair bit of boozing!! Whitehaven beach is stupidly gorgeous. Prob best beach I have ever seen and is in the running for best beach in the world (apparently). Won't bang on about it as 90% of the people reading this will have seen it for themselves!
Got back into shore and went on a fairly major bender (unsuprising as 3 days on a sausage ship will do that to a man!) Vaugley remember getting to bed some time about 4ish. Got up at 10 and started boozing again with my yank mate Chris. Cue all day bender and another 4am sleep. Preob not the best as had a 12 hour bus journey the next morning at bastarardo o'clock (7am). But the others were in worse shape as they are weak :)) Arrived at the cattle station and did some whip cracking (not very good at it), riding of mechanical bull (aka nutcracker as that what it did to your nuts) and finally an early night. Next day did some horse riding, shotgun shooting (didn't win to my horror...must be getting old) and a goat mustering.
Right then we arrived in Hervey Bay very late and pissed off. Had to get all my shit sorted for Fraser for a 6:30 start :( Cool group for the van. Me, 2 english chicks, 2 german dudes and a canadian couple. Most of the cars went round en masse which was cool for the evening parties/ I had to drive almost all the time as the others were too scared and more so when they tried it. I loved it though. Only got stuck once and that was where everyone did. Fraser is a wicked place. White sand beaches, crystal clear lakes and awesome times burning around in massivo 4x4. Saw some dingo's and goanas which was cool from the nature side of things!!
Will leave it there as most oy u prob stopped reading after the first paragraph. Off to Noosa tomorrow so will try and catch up on all mails then!