Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Monday, October 30, 2006

Alrighty people,

Now in the charming town of Alice Springs (stupid name I know). Got here last night and got dragged immediatly to the pub by our roomies who were just back from a tour. Good night although they are a very disfunctional group. Lots of nationalities and feuds here there and everywhere. Good for a laugh though. Feeling a little tired today but going to head out and try and see what this place has to offer. Not expecting much as been told it's dull as dishwater.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hey Y'All,

In the the red Centre of Ozz and just spent the day walking round the olga's. Quite impressive even if we did have to get up at 5am for an ok(ish) sunrise. Got driven round the big rock on our way to the sunset viewpoint but the rain and clouds decided that it was a no go.

Been doing lots of sleeping by day at the moment as last night in Perth turned into a massivo one. watched the final of the Miss rally World Cup (which was cool - pics on line soon lads :))) then got dragged round perth's late night watering holes by Stevey one of Chassels dailing mates. All very strange and very expensive. Didn;t get in till 6 and had to go to the airport at 8 so a wee bitty tired yesterday.

Right out of cash on stupido internet machine (to give it paul's name)



Thursday, October 26, 2006

Last day in Perth today and had a good time but think I am ready to leave. The only thing that I didn't get to do is head up to Cottislow for one of the legendary Sunday Session!! Mainly due to the size and length of our Saturday sessions. Obviously I was up for it but no one else :(( Went to the first day of the World Rally Champs last night and had a top time. Minted cars and loads of sexy PR girls walking round...made for good viewing! The hostelers from my place all got dressed up as it was some boys 21st (yes most are that young) so kicked about with them for a bit after we got back but too tired after 3 big nights in a row!

Seem to have been eaten by something and my left lower arm and hand is kinda swollen. Been bashing all sorts of things to try and bring it down and seems to be working but bit scary for a bit!

Going out for one last time tonight as we have tickets for the Miss World Rally Champs 2006 in a club in town. Getting picked up at 7:30 tomorrow morning so not going to make it a late one (i hope). Gareth managed to land a job selling X-mas crap in a shopping centre so he is a happy man. I can't think of anything worse but then her doesn't like exercise and I do.

Right off to a scare chop and maybe pack. Hope all is well in the grim northland at the mo.



Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sorry but my ozzy number is actually ++61(0)4108011697

Freo is a nice place but really reminds me of a seaside english town. A little bit dull. The hostel is a bit delapidated and lots of people have been getting eaten by the bed bugs but it's pretty cheap. Going to have a mexican night tonight, then maybe head to the local prison (it's closed) for a night tour, Thurs night going to see the start of the World Rally Champs and maybe a dive. Fri prob just chill and Sat flying to see the big rock in the middle.

later folks,


ps - many thanks to Rith for the excellent birthday present of Monkey's new wee brother. As many of u will know I have been travelling with a pet Monkey that a confiscated from Ali mackie after an especially messy night and he was abondaoned by Kaitlyn on a bus in Malysaia. Now maybe this is fate and he has now passed onto some loving maly kid...i don't know. But at least I have a new travelling companion who is only a little hairer :))

Monday, October 23, 2006

Alright Everyone,

Just got an ozzy mobby so feel free to call and text that instead of my old on (which i will continue to check) the number is +61 (0)410801687.

Heading up to Alice Springs on Sat to see the big red rock with Gareth and will be in Melbourne on the 2nd for some R & R prior to the cup.

Feel free to drop me a line boys and have not heard a peep out of most people for a while.


Friday, October 20, 2006

Hey Dude's,

Now in the land of kangaroos and digeridoos. Flight was cool and Gareth had sorted out a room for me at a hostel in Freemantal. Got quite leathered last night and spent the dayu kicking around Perth. Think that I am going to spend a wek here and check out the surroundnig area the leave on the 29th for Alice Springs and see the big fecking rock. There is a rally on from the 28th for a week and want to catch the first day then head up north.

Weather is good and nice to be in a 1st world country for a change :)) have a new ozzy number which is ++61(0)410801687 so if u fancy calling or texting then that is the number to use. I will still check my normal number but obviously it's much cheaper to use this one!!

Prob going to have a quietish one tonight and have a large one tomorrow then maybe check out Perth's famous sunday sessions the day after. useful not to get hangovers :))))

Right off to whip Gareths ass at wipeout as he has got a psp as well.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fecking Hell i'm tired. Just had to get up at 1:00 am this morning after 2 hours kip and climb 3700m up a volcano in the dark to get there for sunrise. Which was spectacular (pics will be up once I get to Ozz...promise) but just highlighted how unfit i am at the moment. Climbed with a guide who does it everyday and 2 canadians who were both 21 and struggled as well. Although they didn't have a massivo camera strapped to their backs. But i did get far nicer pics! Then went and looked at all the usual volocano stuff. Smoking holes, coking eggs in the ground and various other geo-thermic things.

Got down by about 9 and headed over to some hot springs for relaxing pool action. Although i have managed to get my face quite fried which is a mystery as i did put sun screen on :(( The best part of the day was heading to the Monkey temple which is a park infested with grey macaw mokeys which are all cheeky wee shites. Brought some bananas to give to the wee 'uns only to have some monster monkey lift them right out of a buttoned pocket. Saw some monkey XXX rated action which was wierd and a big dirty snake which scared my guide so much that he screamed like a girl and jumped onto my back. had to sit the poor bugger down after to try and calm him down. He is prob more scared of snakes than u are Ruth!! It was about 2m long though and i did nearly stand on it so might have been a little dicey.

Off to Ozz tomorrow and will have to get back to cheap street as it's meant to be well pricey. I'm not a contractor anymore and need to stop thinking like one :(

So I guess this is the end of my South East Asian leg of the trip. It's absolutly flown and i've had a blast, met loads of cool people and seen things I had only dreamed about it before!! But as with all travelling there is always more to see so i may be back in this part of the world again at somepoint!!

Speak to u next in ther land of downunder....


Monday, October 16, 2006

Wayy had my first day of not boozing in a long time. The boys left at 5ish and I basically went into hibernation. Almost 11 hours of sleep and it was well needed. But then I had to go out last night again as what else is there to do so now I am tired again...stupid I know but there is method to my madness!! I have to get up at 01:30 tomorrow morning to go and climb a volocano for dawn so needing to head to bed well early so being tired is all part of the plan.

Met some more Scots living in Perth so going to go for a few beers with them when i arrive. I'll post tomorrow with all the tales of lava dodgy and cliff climbing...



ps - sorry about the lack of pics but it's taking over 2 mins to upload 1 pic at the moment and have about 600 odd to try and get up so going to have to wait till Ozz to get it done :(

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Well after my last post was going to have a nice and quiet night with a movie and some non-alchoholic beverage but then boys pointed out that it was there last night and the madness started. Amber had to leave aftr dinner to catch her flight to zz and me and the boys donned the kilts for another night on the tiles. Good laugh except almost getting into a scrap with 2 pro-ozzy footy players. All we did was say hi to a girl at the bar and they were in our faces...quite scary as they were both about 6'6" and built like the side of a wall. Managed to talk our way out of it but not an experience i'd like to happen again!

Yesterday was a bit of a write off but we did make it down to the beach for some more surfing practise but the weather (and lack of sleep) were against us. saw the boys off then had a very relaxing evening.Think I was in bed for about 9 and have almost had 12 hours of sleep. About frickeing time as i've been running on reserve for over 2 weeks now!!

Going to get some more surfing done today and maybe look into some Volcano climbing for tomorrow.

Toodle pip everyone,


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Happy Birthday to me. Have just entered my final year of my 20' scary is that. Means next year i'll be reeeaaallllyyy old and meant to be responsible and grown up. Think I will just pretend that i'm still 25 out here :))

Spent the day yesterday learning to surf and it rocks :)) Going to sign up for some more lessons and practise everyday till i leave for Perth on the 19th. There is a volcano that I might climb and u can't surf all day as it's way too tiring (not that climbing 4000m up a volocano won't be) but u get the idea!!

Had a blast last night as gareth, paul, dave, amber and myself all went out on a serious session. Paul, dave and I all had the kilts on and randomly they were all the black watch tartan so at least we all matched!! I looked the scruffiest as mine is in a state after full moon madness! No hangover today but we were all falling asleep in the restaurant last night at 3ish while trying to get some late night snacks. The waitress had to keep waking us up before each course!

Off to get a massage as i'm quite sore from all the falling off the board yesteday then a night of no booze and some movies. Tomorrow starts the fitness regime as need to get into shape for Ozz and NZ as Ruth will give me grief if i'm a fatboy by X-Mas!! That and the fact that this island is swarming with ozzy blokes with perfect bodies :((

Later folks and thanks for all the happy birthday e-mails!!


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Just done my 2nd wreck dive and it was a bad boy. WWII battleship just off the shore. Did two dives and they were both sweet although the kit that we were given was weeeelll dodgy. My mask leaked, my regulator had sea water coming into it and my depth gauge was spewing air. Just what u want when your 28m down, inside the body of a rotting metal hulk!! But all god fun.

Bali is quiet tonight as it is the 4 years ago to the day so lots of peace things going on. Tonight will be a R & R evening...and thats DOES mean rest and recuperation as have been going at it hard since before the Full Moon. Oh and tomorrow's my birthday as well so going to have a big one. Met some cool Scots and amaerican chick and just bumped into Garath (Kenny's brother in law) for the 4th time in as many months and countries!! Both the Scots lads have their kilts with them and they both have the same one as me randomly enough so it should be a top night!

Maybe some surfing lessons tomorrow...



Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Managed to find a wicked place to stay in Kutu in Bali and met some cool people when I arrived. have met more Scots in the last 24 hours than I have in the last 3.5 months. Strange to be able to alk normally again without having to repeat myself!! had a good night last night and might wear the kilts tonight for the match.

Only bad thing that has happened was that i was accosted by some hookers while walking home with my roommate and after fighting them off realised that i was minus a wallet. Only lost about $40ish but did lose my main cash card. Pain in the ass as although it's been cancelled and I have a few more but don't know the pins for them. Seems I will be living off my reserves for the next wee while. No biggie but still pissed and if i see those ho's again their getting a kicking girls or no girls!!

Off for some more diving tomorrow then might see about learning to surf the following day. Will be rooting for the good guys tonight in the footy!!

later y'all,


Have just waved a tiery (?) goodbye to the girls and am just waiting for my plane to Bali. Singapore airport rocks, free internet, wireless broadband and cheap food so cannot really complain. Just need some decent music and some friendly girls and all would be well ;))

Prob only going to have a week or so in Bali but should be enough time to get a bit more tanned and learn how to fally off a surf board a lot!! Don't worry Alex i will try my best to get all the dodgy dvd's that u were looking for and everything else that the Aussies have been requesting. Just didn't want to have to lug it all around for the last 2 months since China!!

Have managed to get my main bag down to 20KG which is a serious improvement from the 35 that I left the Uk with. Muchos gracias to all the various people who have been recruited into carrying shit home for me...u all klnow that I don't like to lose shit!

Had a good nights sleep last night but spent the first 2 hours of it on the couch. But do feel more huiman than I have in a while and first day for a couple of weeks that i've not had a bucket. Going to stay off the booze for a week or so and try to eat sweet FA to get into shape for Oz!

Right need to head as only get 15 mins before u get booted off. Could continue with the psp but it is a right pain trying to type using the joypad!

catch u all on the flip side!


Monday, October 09, 2006

Hey everyone managed to survive the Full Moon Party relativly unscathed. 14000ish people all getting mashed on a beach in a spectical to behold. All i took was some money, cash card and my kilt so not much that could have goine missing. Would have loved to have taken a camera but i've already bust one on that beach and not wanting to tempt fate. All I can say is that i've only ever seen that many wasted people in once place at festivals. Rain stayed off and I even managed to keep it together to see the sun come up at 6ish. Got back to the resort and continued the party. many, many buckets were drunk messing about in the pool :)) Think i eventually crashed out about 19:00 sometime. But 36 hours of boozing withg little sun protection apart from an oversized sombrero a nice girl gave to me has left me a little pink.

Met some amnazing people, some downright wierd people and lots of beutiful people. Was it worth the effort and the cost...i would have to say so. Probably something everyone should try once. Noty sure I wuld go back but then there are loads of other places that i need to check out. Curerrently in the airport in Ko Samui waiting for my flight to Singapore. Got a night there then onto Bali for some more beach bum action. I fancy trying to learn to surf and thats meant to be the place for it!!

Peace Out People.


Hey everyone managed to survive the Full Moon Party relativly unscathed. 14000ish people all getting mashed on a beach in a spectical to behold. All i took was some money, cash card and my kilt so not much that could have goine missing. Would have loved to have taken a camera but i've already bust one on that beach and not wanting to tempt fate. All I can say is that i've only ever seen that many wasted people in once place at festivals. Rain stayed off and I even managed to keep it together to see the sun come up at 6ish. Got back to the resort and continued the party. many, many buckets were drunk messing about in the pool :)) Think i eventually crashed out about 19:00 sometime. But 36 hours of boozing withg little sun protection apart from an oversized sombrero a nice girl gave to me has left me a little pink.

Met some amnazing people, some downright wierd people and lots of beutiful people. Was it worth the effort and the cost...i would have to say so. Probably sdomething everyone sahould try once. Noty sure I wuld go back but then there are loads of other places that i need to check out. Curerrently in the airport in Ko Samui waiting for my flight to Singapore. Got a night there then onto Bali for some more beach bum action. I fancy trying to learn to surf and thats meant to be the place for it!!

Peace Out People.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Managed to get to Ko Pangyan after 14 hours of travelling after most of the small boats stopped running due to the heavy seas. Couldn't get anywhere in town as all the cheap oprions had gone and the rest were well staying at a cool resort but it's a good 15 mins drive into Had Rin. Makes for some interesting missions to try and get home after a night on the buckets and beer!! Now been here for 2 days and had 2 decent nights on the lash. Managed to avoind most untoward things happening but the constant stories from the rest of the people here keeps u on the guard. Got a moped yesterday to get about but not really wanting to risk getting a "ko Pangyan tatoo" as the abundance of westernerd with bike injuries are called. Got enough from the corral in Phi Phi for the moment.

Full moon tonight so going to have chilled day on the beach and beside the pool in readiness for the madness that is bound to happen tonight...


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Oh dear had our first night in Phi Phi and it was a bucket affair i'm afraid. No one has much memory about the evening apart from lots of being lost, wandering building sites, drinking with Thai people and we are all suffering from much RDI's (random drinking Injuries). What little i remember of the latter parts of the night are fairly cringworthy...suffice to say yesterway was a total write off. However spent the day on a snorkaling trip to see all the islands and lost of fish. VERY rough seas and most people were spewing their load. I was fine (obviously) and has a good laugh riding the boat. To get the beach where the film was shot u had to swim up to this hole in the cliff and climb through as the sea approach was waay too dodogy for the boat. Ouch is all I can say. Everyone who headed out came back with varying degrees of flesh wounds. I managed to cut my ankle, feet, legs, back and hand and fee like i've been playing rugby again!!!

Prob going to head to KPY for the full moon and hook up paul and the rest of the irish crew.

More later,
