Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Antigua and Lake Atitlan

Spent a couple of days in the pretty little town of Antigua which is nestled in the middle of 3 volcanoes. Did the San Francisco Volcano tour and saw some magma up close. Unfortunately we were a week too late to see the latest eruption but did see glowing red rock and magma in cracks in the cooler lava. Toasted a few marshmallows and burned some sticks. Surprisingly the place didnt stink of the usual fire and brimstone.

Next day we headed over to Lake Atitlan which is another beautiful crater lake surrounded my extinct volcanoes. Spent the night chilling out as ive had a bit of a dodgy belly for the last few days. Getting skinnier by the movement :) Next day headed over to the Chichicastenango
where we picked up all the tourist tat that we have been after for muchos cheapos. Pretty bonkers place but fairly standard for markets. After the markets in Asia you have prepared for everything!!

Now in we a wee place further round the lake called San Marco which is some sort of hippy retreat. Everyone is into Yoga and meditation. Nice enough but we are on our way back to Antigua this afternoon for Ruth few days of the trip.

Later folks.



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