Chris's Travel Tales

Summer 2008 trip round Central America from panama to Mexico. Lots of steaming jungle, idylic beaches and overgrown ruins. Pics will be on facebook and flckr/lyleston. Chris :()

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mexico Finally

Arrived in Mexico after a 11 hours of travelling and promptly jumped on another 13 hour bus up to Oxaca as the border city was meant to be muchos dull. Arrived in bright sunshine in the pretty mountain city of Oxaca (pronounced Wo-ha-ca). Booked into an alright hostel and sent the rest of the day wandering around getting my bearings. Not much happening at the hostel so ended up going to the cinema with a girl from the bus to see Batman. $2 well spent :)

Today i went on a tour to see the oldest tree in Mexico and possibly the world. 2000 years old, 52m round and 17m thick. Not sure if its the oldest in the world but it was big. The headed off to see how carpets and rugs are made. All very educational but nothing i´ve not seen before. Then checked out some cool Mistec ruins (i know, i had never heard of then either before this) which were quite cool although very small afer Tikal. Stopped off at some natural pools for a swim and to take some pics of what they said was a petrivied waterfall but was actually lots of salt dried on the outline of an ancient waterfall. Nice picture as it was right at the top of a massivo hill with sweet views out over the mexican mountains. The last part of the tour wa to a Meskal factory which is a drink similar to Tequila. Saw how it was made and got to try about 20 different flavours. Most were pretty nice but the straight stiff is way to similar to tequlia for my tastes. They put the worm in the bottom of the bottles to give some extra flavour and we each got to eat one. A bit salty but quite tasty!

Tomorrow might try to get my ass up to Mexico City for the weekend festivities.




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